Adviser of the General Director of Samruk-Green Energy LLP Mominbayev Zh.B. participated in the Workshop "Implementation and development of the wholesale market for electricity and power. Operational-dispatching office. Modern technologies, materials and equipment for energy sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan". Workshop was held on March 1-2, 2018 in Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications. It was organized by ALE "Association of power engineers of the Republic of Kazakhstan". The Workshop covered relevant issues of electrical power market in Kazakhstan, integration of which is planned for January 1, 2019, as well as issues of electrical power balancing market, implementation of which is also planned on January 1, 2019. Head of System Service Department of KEGOC JSC Kuanyshbayev Zh.B. and the Chief Dispatcher of NDC SO KEGOC JSC Mukatov B.B. provided detailed answers on all questions of participants of the Workshop.
Workshop on issues of development of the wholesale market for electricity and power